英文 English
To develop our students to be confident and competent communicators through the use of well-established, learner-centred and developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches using authentic children’s literature.
The English language curriculum is based on the STELLAR Programme developed MOE. We focus on Writing, Oracy, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry through Dialogue and Assessment for Learning.
Essential skills such as communication skills, collaborative skills and thinking skills are incorporated in classroom activities to maximize the stucents’ full learning potential.
Experiential Learning, eg. P1 Neighbourhood Walk Learning Journey; P2 Theatre experience
Reading Programme
To develop in pupils a love for reading, we have the use of Graded Readers for P1 to P3 and newspapers (What’s Up and Little Red Dot) for P4 to P6
Additional support for pupils who are weak in the language and literacy skills:
Learning Support Programme (LSP)
School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR)
Reading Remediation Programme (RRP)
PERI Holistic Assessment (HA): to assess and monitor students’ learning and progress in terms of their competency in the acquisition of the language.
Weighted Assessment: to provide qualitative and quantitative feedback to support and guide the student’s development.
EL Assessment focuses on pupils’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Signature Programmes:
- Reading Programme (Graded Readers and Newspapers)
- Celebration of Learning (T1 and T3) and National Reading Week
- Bilingual Media Studies Programme (Bilingual Superstar and PCFM193.3)
- Show-and-Tell, Pick-and-Tell, Readers’ Theatre
- Drama Experience Programme
- Interview Skills Programme
- Reading Circles
- E-Publication